A: Vashlovani National Park near Mijniskure. The line of trees is an alluvial forest in the valley of the River Alazani (photo R. Greń). B: Vashlovani National Park, Pantishara canyon. Collecting site of Arrhaphipterus schelkownikoffi Reitter, 1893 with UV trap shown (photo R. Dobosz).

  Part of: Greń C, Dobosz R, Bunalski M, Lasoń A, Lubecki K, Wąsala R, Japoshvili G (2023) A new species and family of beetle for Georgia (Sakartvelo): Arrhaphipterus schelkownikoffi Reitter, 1893 (Coleoptera: Rhipiceridae). Caucasiana 2: 165-169. https://doi.org/10.3897/caucasiana.2.e110290